shit! it's been like, four months and i haven't posted anything. life got really busy all of a sudden, whaddya know. i haven't tanked on the vegetable cartoons... i just need something else to fill this, i think. or something.
in other news, i've gotten into running. which is pretty weird... a few months ago i thought i fucking hated it. biking to work was pretty great, but then it got cold and dark and i didn't want to do that anymore. well, after biking around 70 miles a week then suddenly none, my body was like "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING. LAZY SACK OF SHIT" so i tried running again. i hadn't run for years, so i wasn't expecting anything great.
long story short, i ran six miles on saturday with plans to run seven next saturday, and hope to take part in a 10k next month and a relay (two 6-mile intervals) in june. up in the mountains, no less... so my lungs will be like "FUCKING... ALTITUDE..."
it's weird, though, because i totally dig it now. eventually i'd like to do a half-marathon. maybe during graduate school?
i'm totally going to graduate school, up in canada, eh? i'm pretty fucking excited about it. it'll be so cold and flat and lovely. real winter, how i miss you!! not to mention they gave me a shitton of money (by graduate school standards). i'll make more there than i do as an americorps VISTA volunteer here in the states (granted... it's not difficult to make more than i do right now. i get unnaturally excited about pennies on the ground these days).
as part of that scholarship, i may have to teach. i'm not gonna lie... the idea of teaching some snot-nosed college kids kind of scares the shit out of me. i'm not good at explaining things, am often not sure of what i think i know, and am often wrong. erp... but at the same time, it would be pretty good for me, i think. character-building and all that shit. plus, i could be a real asshole to a bunch of young adults. :D
spring is in the air! which back home means the smell of cow shit thawing. i still get nostalgic when i smell it. is that weird? probably.
oh yeah, saskatoon (my future home) has THUNDERSTORMS!!!!!!! like real ones! not pussy-idaho-bullshit thunderstorms that last ten minutes with no real oomph. i wonder if saskatoon gets funnel clouds? then my life would be pretty complete... there's something absolutely thrilling about the feeling of a hot, sticky, midwestern summer night where you don't know what will happen. cloud-to-cloud lightning... does that mean... a funnel cloud? a TORNADO? A HURRICANE? A TSUNAMI? anyway. maybe joking about tsunamis isn't very tactful at this juncture. note to self...
DISCLAIMER: despite joking about tsunamis, the author of this blog post feels deeply in her heart for all the victims of the recent tsunami in japan. i am not a heartless asshole. not to mention that a tsunami tops my Shit That Is Scary list. like, seriously. what's that noise? oh, it's just a FUCKING WALL OF WATER ABOUT TO CRUSH YOUR SOUL. so i can't even imagine what kind of hardship they're enduring.
speaking of that, the earthquake moved japan. like, literally MOVED it. HOLY FUCK. AND it shortened our day!
look, i even drew a picture of japan. see? not mocking it!
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