It is my destiny to write offensive vegetable cartoons and swear a lot. This ain't no Veggie Tales.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
fuck yeah thunderstorms!
a truer statement was never uttered.
though i do miss the batshit-crazy raging of midwest thunderstorms... idaho has them sometimes but they don't last as long or wreak as much havoc.
Monday, July 26, 2010
fuckin... unicorns.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
talking on the telephone sucks donkey balls.
i have an irrational fear and overwhelming hatred of talking on the phone, which makes something like ordering pizza or calling friends a very daunting task that can reduce me to a nervous pile of worm food. at work i resort to e-mail whenever possible, and can often come across as pretty goddamn rude in my rush to get the fuck off the phone.
hitler liked comfy chairs, too!
i am not nearly cool enough to think of this, but i had to share it because it made me laugh until i couldn't feel feelings anymore.
the best of friends communicate through shared insults.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
hookers and beer solve all of life's little (and large) problems.
hanging out with hookers is worse than sleeping with them, because it sends your reputation straight down the tubes. especially if you happen to be a piece of produce.
not a vegetable cartoon... but bears fucking rock.
especially if they happen to have chainsaws instead of limbs. i wouldn't want to run into this guy in the forest... mowing down rabbits and sequoias in his path!
Monday, July 19, 2010
i live here, and it's a good place. i'm going to further the stereotype about potatoes by forcing the government to make this the new state seal.
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